
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Just One Thing: Tithing for 30 days

I have not had any additional income this week, and a couple unexpected bills hit. It's a struggle right now because I know I don't have the money to pay for next months bills, or even some expenses that came up this month. I'm a little too proud to ask my parents to help me out. I am going back and forth between knowing that I really shouldn't put anything on my credit card. Christianity today posted an Article "What's Wrong With Credit Card Debt?"  I think we all like to know in advance how we are going to pay our bills.

At this point "Carve" for me means not spending ANY MONEY that I don't need to spend. Driving less, not eating out, not buying extra "stuff" that I don't actually NEED.

Carving out all of that out still is not going to allow for me to pay my bills come February.

I've really had to live by Mathew 6:34 in the past six months Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."

On the up side of things, I am now on a sub list in a school district, and will be able to start subbing next week. I have another interview with another school district on Weds. I also am in the fourth step of an interview process working for an organization that I am really excited about. 

I know God is working. I'm just not sure if I trust Him enough to provide me with the money I need to pay my bills. 

 Lord, thank you for the opportunities that are coming up in the very near future. You are the great provider. You will never leave me, you will never forsake me. Even when I don't trust your presence, I still know you are there.  Lord, I know you have provided for me in the past. I have never been in want of basic necessities. Please give me the peace to trust you with my financial future.

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